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Cancun Sailing joins THE CODE.ORG

Cancun Sailing joins THE CODE.ORG

In Cancun Sailing, we join the fight against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents in Travel and Tourism. 

Tourism is the engine of our community. According to the Ministry of Tourism of Quintana Roo (SEDETUR), the state of Quintana Roo, specifically Cancun, currently has a 62% hotel occupancy rate, which translates into millions of travelers visiting us each year.

While these metrics represent an important economic benefit and generate jobs, the constant influx of passengers and global exchange has also led to an increase in crimes related to the sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism.


What Is The Code?the code-05-png-1-1

The Code is a multi-stakeholder initiative with the mission to provide awareness, tools, and support to the travel and tourism industry to prevent the sexual exploitation of children.

the code-02-1-1-1Those involved in these crimes can be large criminal networks that promote, incite, facilitate, and manage the sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism, but also visitors who decide to carry out these acts. According to Mexico's Federal Criminal Code, these acts are punishable in any of these cases, with penalties ranging from 7 to 17 years in prison.


Cancun Sailing and The Code

From June 14th, some Cancun Sailing staff attended training by ECPAT Mexico to obtain THE CODE certification. In it, our employees learned everything related to the rights of children and adolescents, the fight against sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism, and strategies to combat it.

As a Socially Responsible Corporation, we currently have THE CODE certification to attack sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism through six basic criteria:

  1. The establishment of a solid corporate policy against sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism.
  2. The training of our staff at each point of service.
  3. Providing clear information to suppliers about our policy of rejection of sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism.
  4. Informing our guests about The Code and its application in our operation.
  5. Provide information to "key persons" at the destination.
  6. Evaluate and report annually on the application of these criteria.

We are proud to be the first nautical company in Mexico certified with THE CODE.

Our certification allows us to:

  • Observe: At service points, boats, and during tours.
  • Identify: Potential acts of sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism.
  • Denounce: To the pertinent authorities.
  • Follow-up: Of the reported cases.


Your contribution can be the first step to freeing a victim!


Sustainable development goals we fulfill with these actions:

Good Health and Well-BeingGender EqualityReduced InequalitiesPeace, justice and strong institutionsPartnerships for the goals

To learn more about The Code, check the following links:

ECPAT INTERNATIONAL: https://www.ecpat.org/
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